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Child friendliest city in the USA

Posted on March 25 2013

Child friendliest city in the USA

Naperville is considered child-friendliest city in the USA. For young families the city offers the best customer care and an extensive training program. Several high schools are recognized for their achievements. The city is also connected with the nature and have around 120 parks. The Riverwalk Park is one of the largest and most beautiful parks Napervilles. Landmarks of Naperville is the Moser Tower, a tower with a world of only four carillons, including six octaves. The Naperville Public Library, the excellent public library, finished in first place on several occasions in the US-wide comparison of public libraries.

picture: John D. Buell/commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Riverwalk_Quarry_Moser_Tower_and_Rotary_Hill.jpg

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